thanks to a sale at my local smith's grocery store, i was able to pick up most of the mini-wheats family, and give them all a try. i like mini-wheats. mini-wheats is awesome because it tastes great, fills you up for a long time, and is decently healthy for you. on the other hand I NEVER KNOW HOW MUCH MILK TO USE. ITS EITHER TOO LITTLE, AND THE CEREAL IS TOO DRY, OR TOO MUCH AND YOU WASTE MILK. UGHHHH. moving on...
Original(the OG)(Bite Size):
a great cereal. love it. healthy enough that your mom bought it all the time, but is still delicious. it's filling, sweet, frosted, there isn't really anything bad i can say about it(other than the milk thing addressed earlier). a timeless classic cereal, that will constantly be on my purchase rotation for years to come.
Maple and Brown Sugar:
i really like maple. on pancakes, or maple/brown sugar oatmeal. this version of mini-wheats tastes a lot like a maple/brown sugar oatmael, but by proxy, its a mini-wheat. a good change of pace from regular mini-wheats. would buy again. pretty much tastes like they drizled syrup in my bowl. im into it. i wouldn't say better than the OG, but it is a close second when talking about mini-wheats.
Cinnamon Strussel:
I was hoping for a cinnamon-toast-crunch-esque cinnamon flavor, but this one was kind of lacking. yeah it was a little cinnamon-y, but not enough to make me buy it again, or to greatly set the flavor apart from regular, and it kind of tasted like a weak version of the maple mini-wheats. i was a bit let down by these. not terrible by any means...but not that different. the title made it sound like it would be incredible. they were just ok.
Strawberry Delight:
no. just no. not into it. i love cereals that are REALLY fake fruit(pepples, trix etc) and i LOOOVE cereal that has dried fruit in it, but this pseudo-fake strawberry frosting stuff was just not my thing. no thanks.
ps-too many pictures...dont want to clutter this up too much. love: cereal is life staff.