Monday, September 8, 2008

Raisin Bran Crunch


Over the summer I have become extremely fond of this cereal. Many of you may be thinking "Raisin Bran EWW"..hold your tongues. This is not your typical Bran cereal with dried fruit. While the traditional Raisin Bran is a bit geriatric..RB Crunch is the new, hip, cool version. I would liken it to Obama vs. McCain. Although they are not too different, McCain is the soggy old douche guy, Obama is the hip fresh delicious one. But back to the cereal. No more do you have to worry about soggy flakes..somehow they have the technology to NOT ONLY keep the flakes crisp after the milk is added, but they made the flakes taste 1000000 times better, and like the name states "Crunch(ier)". They also added Oat Clusters. Holy Shit, Right? Crunchy, sweet, honey oat clusters. Hot damn. A 25.5 oz box(family sized) only cost like 3.25. And it fills you up, keeps you regular(the bran d00dz), and it tastes awesome.


Lou Ferr-IGNO's Body Building Turbo Inferno said...

cereal is fully backed. I used to eat that all the time at my grandma's house. Its healthy and delicious. plus its really sweet.

Jen and Micah said...

Yes I discovered this cereal a while back too and have since forgotten - it is delicious. Oh - and you MUST try start trying Archer Farms (Target's organic line) cereals. They have this Blueberry one - OMG, seriously the best shiz I have ever eaten.