Talk about a cereal that has it "goin' on". First off, kudos to the creator of this cereal. You just made a semi healthy breakfast food that resembles both in look, and taste to a food that most people, and especially kids LOVE to eat. Well done. I mean, I'm all mad that i have to wake up to be at work at 6am, but to help brighten my morning, i get to look down at my cereal bowl and think to myself "holy shit, i get to eat 1,000 little cookies right now. my life is way less shitty than it was 5 minutes ago." So not only do i get an aestetically pleasing cereal, full of cute little chocolate chip cookies, but it tastes rreeaaally good. I mean it doesn't taste exactly like dipping a fresh baked cookie in some milk or something like that, but it does kind of taste like cookies, which is really all you can expect from anyone. oh and it has some baby chips on them which make the milk taste a little chocolatey, which is big bonus of any cereal. this is a cereal that tastes really good, looks good, and the thought of eating it helps get my lazy ass out of bed to go to work in the morning.
maybe their new slogan should be:
"cookie crisp. mini cookie cereal. forget for a second how shitty your life is."
you're welcome cookie crisp.
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